
Here’s a quick selection of images I’ve taken over the years. Some were commissioned, some were not. Some are pretty, some are functional. Some are shot on expensive digital cameras, some are shot on film with cheap plastic cameras. I develop most films myself for full creative control. For me, pictures are captivating when they’re something I haven’t seen before. I try to create something unique every time I take my cameras out for a spin to keep the adventure going.

Enjoy 😉

Black and White

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Whacky Panoramas

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Packshots and Presentations

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Random Shots

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Light Paintings

Vibrant images created using Kinetic Photography – our main body of work between 2004 and 2008. For more information about this series, check out its dedicated website http://www.lightpaintings.net.

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The Book of Circles

The Circles were a spin-off from the Light Paintings project. For more information, check out its dedicated website http://www.lightpaintings.net.

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Miami Beach Huts

In 2008 we decided to photograph all Lifeguard Towers on South Beach in Miami. For more information about this series, check out http://www.miamibeachhuts.com

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Fashion Victims

Fashion Victims is a community project we started in 2009, dedicated to the unsung heroes who have no say in what they have to wear. Check out our dedicated Flickr Group.

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The Book of Clouds

Since 2007 I’ve been working on a book filled with clouds. I also started using slow-motion video to support the project. Check out http://www.cloud-tv.com and chill out in style.

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