DAZ Studio Archives

3D manipulation tool for rendering people.

Attenuating a Morph with a Face Group in Daz Studio

Sometimes we have morph that distorts all aspects of an object, but we only want to load it onto a small part of it. This is great for splitting a full morph into smaller parts to generate multiple sliders, but we don’t have all those changes as separate OBJs. While we can reset vertices from …

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But what about the Textures?

Ever since I’ve explained how to convert Genesis figure shapes between character generations in several videos, many of you have been asking the same question: How to we transfer the textures? Rather than typing a variation of the same answer out every time, I thought I’ll explain all the options in one handy article that …

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How to fix Eye Blink Morphs on a custom Daz Character

The base Genesis figure can close their eyes thanks to the Eye Blink Morphs on Genesis 9, and the Eyes Closed Morphs on Genesis 8 respectively. When we create custom character, we need a Morph Corrective Morph to adjust those so that the geometry doesn’t look mangled when said morphs are being used. In this …

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How to read a live log file from Daz Studio

Like most apps, Daz Studio writes a continuous text output to a log file with any status messages that are generated under the hood. The most obvious of these is the render progress window, as we can see each line update live while the render is happening. We can also read the full log from …

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Converting skin textures for use with Genesis 9

Here’s a high-level overview on how we can convert existing skin textures from older Genesis figure and use them with another generation, like Genesis 9. The principle is the same for the other direction too, should you wish to use a G9 skin on an older generation or perhaps a different figure altogether, like the …

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Loading and Saving Morph Loader Presets in Daz Studio

I use Morph Loader quite a bit in Daz Studio, and the deeper you go down a rabbit hole, the more parameters you have to adjust. The main ones are usually “Reverse Deformations” and “Apply Deltas Only”, and if you use the tool only occasionally they’re easy to remember. If you’re a PA and use …

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The Hank and Greta Recipes for Genesis 9

Now that the Head and Body shapes have been released for Genesis 9, I thought I’d let you have the complete “character recipes” as it were for the two custom figures I’ve built on stream over the last month. Hand and Greta were a fun project, particularly because I feel we’ve made them together. Here …

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Frame Width vs Focal Length in DAZ Studio

We had an interesting discussion on my private Discord server the other day, about the difference between changing the frame width and changing the focal length. At first glace, both options appear to do the same in the viewport. However there’s an important difference and implication on other parameters as you setup your scene. The …

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What other 3D tools do I use alongside DAZ Studio

I had a great question from a viewer today (hi Doomguy) about what additional tools I use when working with Daz Studio. It’s an often overlooked aspect of the software that Daz Studio by itself can only do so much, and external tools can help build better scenes, work faster or aid in making adjustments …

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How to import multiple OBJ files in DAZ Studio

I’m currently importing large amounts of OBJ files into DAZ Studio. I was thinking of making my life a little more streamlined and came across a super handy script by the very prolific and talented Jaques aka mcasual. He has something called Load Many OBJ, which does exactly what I need. Once installed, the script …

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How to create Joint Corrective Morphs (JCMs) in DAZ Studio

Joint Corrective Morphs (or JCMs) is the principle of driving morph sliders if a particular joint rotation reaches a certain value. Say a bicep muscle that needs to flex when an arm is bent 90 degrees in one direction. It’s a bit like an “if this then that” statement, interpolated depending on what value is …

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How to add an image in your post on the DAZ Forum

As part of the DAZ Season Pass, we have a dedicated section on the DAZ Forum that’s only accessible for members. I hang out there freuqently and answer questions, but becasue it’s been a while since I’ve frequented the forums, I had completely forgotten how to upload an image and present it inline. It’s a …

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Animating a Slinky in DAZ Studio

I’ve made myself an animated walking Slinky last week! I thought it would be nice to have him join the other figures on my stream overlay. It seems a simple-ish feat to do, but since I’ve built him from scratch in Blender, then rigged and animated him in DAZ Studio, there were quite a few …

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How to create a Controller in DAZ Studio

Controllers are great little helper dials that can perform a number of functions and make our posing/animation life a little easier. They’re akin to Blender’s Drivers, yet implemented very differently in DAZ Studio. The idea is the same though: make one slider do multiple things, and let DAZ Studio calculate interpolated values. Let’s take a …

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Adjusting Weight Maps for rigged figures in DAZ Studio

In my previous article I’ve explained how to rig a simple cylinder in DAZ Studio using the Figure Setup Tab. While my little cylinder bends, it does so with rather sharp deformations at the intersections to its other parts. The geometry seems to collapse, and in a real life scenario we may find that some …

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Rigging Basics in DAZ Studio with the Figure Setup Tab

Believe it or not, the above picture is the result of trying and failing to understand rigging in DAZ Studio for years. I’ve had many attempts at understanding the official documentation on this subject, but severe lack of knowledge and understanding have kept me from transferring this information into my brain. Like many things, it’s …

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How to disable Smooth Shading in DAZ Studio

Smooth Shading is enabled by default for the Iray Uber Shader. This is in contrast to most 3D modelling packages, which disable this feature by default. While Smooth Shading works best for most organic objects, we may occasionally need the ability to disable this feature in DAZ Studio. Some objects are meant to have that …

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Importing a whole Synty Level from Unreal Engine into DAZ Studio

The other day I thought it would be a hoot to bring in some of the wonderfully modelled low-res Synty Assets and use them together with the high-res characters in DAZ Studio. With access to the source OBJ files this worked out rather well, but it’s a time consuming process importing, shading and saving each …

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Creating Keyed Properties in DAZ Studio

I’ve come across Keyed Properties by accident, and was thrilled with what we can use them for. Essentially they let us create a custom slider, whose position behaves much like a little timeline. This has huge potential for anything from an array of facial morphs to various poses or even full body moprhs. It’s the …

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Installing the DAZ to Blender Bridge

I have to be brutally honest with you: last time I’ve tried the official DAZ to Blender bridge I didn’t have a great time. But, a lot of time has passed and several updates have been released, so I thought perhaps I should try again with version 2.3.9. The first hurdle was of course to …

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What’s a good configuration for a 3D/Rendering/DAZ Studio computer

I’ve had various requests and discussions with supporters recently about what might be a good configuration for a DAZ Studio and/or rendering computer. It’s a good question, and with so many systems and components on the market, I thought I’d compile this article as a starting point. Feel free to ask specific questions in the …

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How to install GoZ in DAZ Studio (step by step)

A viewer asked me recently how to get the ZBrush to DAZ Studio connection going step. I’ve explained how to use GoZ in this article, but I’ve not mentioned the pitfalls of the installation process. I thought I’d put this quick article together with screenshots and all. Prepare Install Manager First of all close DAZ …

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